Female Entrepreneurs: Ditch These 10 Things Now in 2024

A woman with curly hair sitting at a table, working on her laptop.

Ready to feel empowered as a female entrepreneur? It’s time to Marie Kondo our entrepreneurial lives and declutter the unnecessary. Let’s kick these 10 things to the curb this year:

  1. Imposter Syndrome – You’re not alone, we all feel this way from time to time. But you are where you are for a reason. Lean in and embrace it!
  2. Perfectionism – (I’m totally guilty of this one) but let’s be real, perfect is boring. True growth happens in the chaos. Have you heard that saying, “done is better than perfect”? Yep, it’s true!
  3. Fear of Failure – Don’t be afraid to stumble, you will make mistakes. It comes with the territory of being a female entrepreneur. But you know what I’m more afraid of? Not trying at all. Don’t fear failure, fear never giving it all you’ve got.
  4. Balance – Sorry friends, there is no such thing as balance. However, there are seasons in our lives and in our business that will require us to ebb and flow with flexibility. If you’re trying to be all the things to all the people while doing all the things, LET IT GO!
  5. Overcommitting – It’s ok to say no to things that don’t align with your current goals.
  6. Comparisonitis – The grass is always greener where you water it. Don’t self-sabotage by playing into the false narrative that you see from others on social media. What’s for you, is for you girl!
  7. Procrastination – Let’s lean in to productivity and set those goals!
  8. Limiting Beliefs – Self doubt creeping in? Let that go. You’re capable of more than you think.
  9. Hustling – We’re breaking up with hustle culture and you should too! Busyness doesn’t equal success.
  10. Ignoring Self Care – You are the heart and soul of your business. Treat yourself like the queen you are are – self care isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity.

Let’s make this the year of unstoppable success by letting go of what’s holding us back.

Share one thing you’re letting go of this year?

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